On Thursday, July 11, 2002, at 11:23  AM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

> On Thursday, July 11, 2002, at 01:46 PM, Doug Auwarter wrote:

>> Anybody tried this? I'm curious how well it works and what are 
>> the disadvantages to using another dedicated piece of software 
>> like Acrobat or Ghostwriter to create PDF files.

> Unfortunately, since the only PDF files I ever need to make are 
> Finale files, and Finale is not yet compatible with OS X, I've 
> never had the opportunity to really test this feature.

I've used this feature quite a few times with applications other 
than Finale. The main consideration seems to be whether or not 
one has a real printer installed. Because if you don't there 
appears to be some clipping of the top and bottom lines of the 
PDF files in screen view. At least this is what happens for 
OmniWeb. Maybe it's an individual application responsibility to 
ensure that the area printed to Preview accounts for the total 
area of the document contents, but I don't know right now. If 
Finale gets this happening it would save a step, but I'm happy 
to use GhostScript for the nonce.

> This is just one more reason why it's so frustrating to have 
> Coda dragging its heels on OS X compatibility.

Whatever else, Sibelius gets full points for treating Mac users 
with respect as to their OS preference and I hope Coda has 
finally decided to stop discriminating against it's long time 
Macintosh user base in this regard.

Philip Aker


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