Philip Aker writes:

> The point is that just like everyone else, Coda has known since 
> late 1996 that changes were coming and since late 1997, 
> opportunity to stage in a Carbon port. 

What if MaxOSX (or Carbon) _didn't_ work in real-life implementations or 
_didn't_ get customer approval? This has happened many times before in 
history, and the former is still true for MacOSX to some extent regarding 
the MIDI implementation - one and a half year after the first release of the 

> FinWin 2003 is compatible with WindowsXP but FinMac 2003 will 
> not be with MacOS X. Yet MacOS X was released well before 
> copycat XP.

FinWin2003 is compatible with XP just because XP is binary and API 
compatible with Win32. No extra development resources required.

It's interesting that Mac users almost always seem to blaim 3rd party 
developers for not being "compatible". Windows users usually blaim M$ 
for just about everything, although M$ has a far better history regarding 

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
ICQ #: 78036563

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