On Friday, July 12, 2002, at 05:01  AM, Mark D. Lew wrote:

(was Re: [Finale] Metatools/type in score (long))

Type Into Score for Expressions:

>> [...] why not be able to type in Expressions if that tool is 
>> selected and there's a checkmark on a "Type Into Score" menu 
>> item? Cursor changes to a pencil, click for the location, 
>> type, and press <Enter> when done.

> If it really makes a difference to some users to see a little 
> pencil and watch the word being typed into the score, I suppose 
> that could be implemented as a specialized sort of dialog box, 
> which could behave exactly as Philip describes.

Visual feedback does make a difference. Currently the 
arrow-tipped crosshair with the weeny note/measure attachment 
indicator is a good aid to discerning which type of expression 
will be entered. I'll expand on the original notion taking into 
account some of the nice ideas I've seen go by and offering an 
advancement suggestion for text expressions:

# Expressions will be upgraded to handle multiple fonts.

# The Expressions Menu gets two new items with icons:
  - Double-Click Into Score (default--same as now, has 
arrowed-crosshair-with note icon)
  - Type Into Score (has arrowed-crosshair-with-pencil icon 
(maybe a different color too)

# Note or measure attached expressions will be the eventual 
assignment as per current behavior.

# When a Type Into Score double-click occurs a reasonable sized 
editing frame opens up with the text characteristics set to 
either the System font or the Application font.

# The nickname mechanism will be predicated on first matching 
angle-bracket text, then actual characters in the expression, 
and finally if there is no match, a new expression (in the 
default text expression font with no playback characteristics).

  -  Because multiple-font expressions are now in effect,
     expressions that are in music fonts can have their
     angle bracket comments in a human readable text font.

  - The signal for auto-complete guesses will be the Tab key.
    If there is more than one match, a list pops up.
    The first item in the list is "New".
    Navigate by Up/Down arrows or select with the mouse.
    Double-clicking, Return or Enter selects.

# Special indicators in the angle bracket text will indicate 
placement and other options. I'm not describing them all but for 
instance H(number) and V(number) will indicate offsets. P(meas) 
would indicate that the H() and V() coordinates for 
note-attached expressions would be taken from the angle bracket 
text (if present) and be placed relative to the measure 
(over-riding their normal offset from the note). If there are no 
offset cues, then the expression is placed at the original 
pencil click.

Philip Aker

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