At 4:29 PM -0400 9/18/02, Darcy James Argue wrote:
>Hey everyone,
>As you may remember, a while back I made an online plea for someone with
>Fontographer to make some long-needed improvements to the default JazzCord
>font -- specifically, to isolate some characters used in combination with
>other characters in the suffix glyphs and make them available to the user
>who wants to build custom symbols.  Well, Jeff Chippewa stepped up to the
>plate, and after a few revisions and some testing on my part I'm happy to
>say that Jef's modified JazzCord is *exactly* what I want.  I asked Jef
>whether he would mind my publicizing this on-list, since I'm sure some of
>you would also be interested in the modified font.  He had no objections, so
>here goes -- if you want a copy of this font (TT and PS versions), I will be
>happy to send them along (unless Jef wants to control the distribution
>himself).  With Jef's blessing, I would also like to send a copy to Coda in
>the hopes that they will replace the default JazzCord with this new, vastly
>improved version.

Whoo-woo! (in my best Homer Simpson)

Send it along, buddy-boy, and I will name my next child jef! This 
could not have come at a better time.

>Three cheers for Jef!

That's jef, not Jef, you capital-mad shift-key majisculator! 8-)

Hip, hip, hourrah!

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