On 9/22/02 11:43 AM or thereabouts, Christopher BJ Smith
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> intoned:


I'm afraid I can't help you here.  Why don't you try making a new EPS clip
and report back?  If the newly created EPS's display properly, than
hopefully the loss of WYSIWYG in the old files is not too much of an
inconvenience (since you've already done the layout and they do print
correctly).  If not, well, maybe Jef has more insight into what might be
going wrong...
> I have installed the new JazzCord font on my Mac, and noticed a small
> problem. I opened up an old AppleWorks file of a class handout. In
> the file is an EPS example created in Finale with the old JazzCord
> font. In this example, all the characters from JazzCord do not
> display correctly on screen, instead they all have Courier
> substituted. However, they DO print correctly.
> Is the screen display controlled by JazzCord.bmap? This might be it,
> or it might be that there is some kind of pointer in the EPS that
> looks for the font that created it, but is not finding it (despite
> the identical name), since I trashed the old JazzCord font items.
> I haven't created any new EPS clips for handouts recently, perhaps I
> should to see if the problem persists with the new font actually
> included in the EPS, rather than the old font.
> As I said, it is only a display problem, but it would be nice to have
> WSIWYG back again.
> Christopher
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