This is great news!

triple chapeau, jef!

I sure would like to have the new JazzCord!


Darcy James Argue schreef:
> Hey everyone,
> As you may remember, a while back I made an online plea for someone with
> Fontographer to make some long-needed improvements to the default JazzCord
> font -- specifically, to isolate some characters used in combination with
> other characters in the suffix glyphs and make them available to the user
> who wants to build custom symbols.  Well, Jeff Chippewa stepped up to the
> plate, and after a few revisions and some testing on my part I'm happy to
> say that Jef's modified JazzCord is *exactly* what I want.  I asked Jef
> whether he would mind my publicizing this on-list, since I'm sure some of
> you would also be interested in the modified font.  He had no objections, so
> here goes -- if you want a copy of this font (TT and PS versions), I will be
> happy to send them along (unless Jef wants to control the distribution
> himself).  With Jef's blessing, I would also like to send a copy to Coda in
> the hopes that they will replace the default JazzCord with this new, vastly
> improved version.
> Here are the changes in Jef's version:
> € NO existing characters have been moved or modified.  It is perfectly safe
> to replace your old JazzCord font with this one.  After installing the
> modified font, all your existing chord symbols -- both the defaults and any
> custom suffixes -- will remain exactly the same.  The new characters have
> all been mapped to previously empty slots.
> € JazzCord glyphs use three different types of parentheses -- one set for
> symbols such as "(omit 3)" or "(omit 5)", another for single numerical
> alterations such as "(b9)" and "(#5)", and a third set for stacked
> alterations.  By default, only the first pair are available (mapped to
> "shift-9" and "shift-0").  Jef's version makes the other two pairs
> user-accessible:
> - The short narrow parentheses (used for a single alteration) have been
> mapped to "," and ".".
> - The tall narrow parentheses (used for two stacked alterations) have been
> mapped to "shift-[" and "shift-]".
> € JazzCord glyphs use two different designs for sharps and three different
> designs for flats, depending on what is being sharped or flatted.  By
> default, only the accidentals used to modify the chord *root* (e.g., the
> flat in "Bb7" or the sharp in "F#7") are available.  Jef's version adds the
> other accidentals, which are shorter, fatter, and straighter than the
> defaults:
> - The flat symbol used to modify single alterations [e.g., the *second* flat
> in "Bb7(b9)"] is mapped to "shift-4".  This symbol is also used as the top
> flat in a pair of stacked alterations.
> - The "stubby" flat symbol used to modify the bottom alteration in a stack
> is mapped to "shift-5"
> - The sharp symbol used to modify alterations [e.g., the *second* sharp in
> "F#7(#5)" is mapped to "shift-7".  This symbol is used for all alterations
> requiring a sharp, including the bottom one in a stack.
> These additions to the font allow you to create any custom suffix you
> choose, and careful positioning in the Chord Suffix Editor dialog will allow
> you -- for the first time -- to match the characters and positioning of the
> default suffixes exactly.
> Three cheers for Jef!
> - Darcy
> ------
> Boston, MA
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