On 22 Sep 2002 at 16:56, Linda Worsley wrote:

> At 6:34 PM -0400 9/22/02, David W. Fenton wrote:
> >The PAGE DOWN key doesn't move the cursor!
> Oops.. I thought you meant the scroll bar.  But the same thing 
> applies.  The page down key is for moving the PAGE down.  Not the 
> cursor. The down arrow moves the cursor AND the page down on my mac.
>   My original thought applies:  they should be separate, and you 
> should have full control of the cursor, regardless, and it should 
> stay where you put it.
> Or do I not understand what you are trying to do?

I guess it's a Mac thing.

PageDown and PageUp have moved the cursor since long before there was 
such a thing as a graphical user interface. Perhaps it's the Apple 
mouse religion that leaves the Mac with such an illogical decoupling 
of cursor movement keys from the cursor, wherein the original Macs 
had no cursor movement keys (or was it only the arrow keys?).

Sorry, but if the Mac does it this way, the Mac is simply wrong. It's 
a change to UI conventions that have been in place since long before 
the Mac ever existed. Given that the mouse is there for moving the 
scrollbar, why take away the only keyboard command you've got for 
moving the cursor one screen/window up or down?

In any event, for Coda to have it implemented that way in this day 
and age shows that nobody has bothered to even look at it in over ten 
years, i.e., back in the days when Finale on Windows was still a 
clear port of a Mac program, with lots of non-native behaviors. 
Either that or they are not managing the differences between their 
two codebases very well.

David W. Fenton                         |        
David Fenton Associates                 |        

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