A bass clef for bass clarinet is also used in those scores in concert pitch.
I am asked to do that all the time. After I have to prepare the part in
transposed G-clef, and of course I have to correct all the overlapping

Also I have seen that in the pieces for soprano, guitar, and clarinet: the
guitar is notated in bass clef. Guitarist probably will have problems
reading it!


> At 06:34 PM 10/12/02 -0400, Darcy James Argue wrote:
>> the bass clef is no longer a viable option for bass clarinet
>> parts.
> However, for a chamber group two years ago, I was asked to make sure the
> b.c. part was in bass clef at sounding pitch, not treble clef. But it was a
> b.c.-only player, not a clarinettist doubling on b.c. or an orchestral b.c.
> player. She was the second player I've come across to play solo b.c. and
> want a bass clef part in sounding pitch. Might be a point of pride.
> Dennis
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