Hi everyone,

Was wondering if the collective knowledge of the list would be able to help
solve this one (or if anyone else has experienced this...)  It has been a
problem for me for a while...

Regardless of any changing of printing settings, change of printers,
printing to acrobat (and from acrobat), printing from Finale etc., every
time an articulation indicating a roll/tremolo is printed, the top and
bottom slashes are filled in as normal, however, the middle slash appears in
outline only.

The marking appears fine on screen, and also in the PDF file.  This process
elimination therefore makes me think that there is either a problem with
this particular symbol within the Maestro font, or the printer(s) doesn't
receive this symbol properly, or it is a freak combination of my system
setup.  (I doubt it is the latter as I have recently reformatted and
reinstalled everything and this problem was occurring prior to this as

Can any one assist/shed some light or has experienced this?
If not a solution, is there a work around?

With thanks,

- Finale 2003 r2, Windows ME

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