I am a lurker here, but I find this conversation rather amusing.

On the one hand, the need for labels in interesting.  Do garbage collecters
still want to be called "sanitation engineers?"

Let me see, I have written or created and had published, and been paid for
poetry, crossword puzzles, a book, cartoons, short fiction, songs,
instrumental pieces (some I "composed" and some I arranged) and ...  I could
drive a printer nuts designing me a business card.

On the other hand, someone needs to lighten up.  If a garbage collector
wants to be a sanitation engineer, all the more power to him.  No harm in
letting him take a bit of pride in himself and his work...might spur him on
to better work.  If a "noodler" calls himself a "composer,"  what do I care?
The only thing that matters to me is.....do I like the music?

Which brings up another semantic issue, to me, "country music" is an
oxymoron, but, to my neighbor, jazz is nothing but a bunch of noise.

To each their own.
Terrell D Lewis
Music For A New Age

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dennis Bathory-Kitsz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Finale] Midi files to Finale files (was "NO Subject")

> At 07:52 AM 11/9/02 -0800, Linda Worsley wrote:
> >Well, sure.  I spent half a century learning the skills it takes to
> >be a "composer"... I resent the people who will not take the same
> >trouble to learn anything but noodle into MIDI devices and call
> >themselves "composers".
> And if you produce bad music and they produce great music, who is the
> composer?
> >when I want to "compose" (according to the
> >dictionary,"to form by putting together; to form the substance of :
> >to create by mental or artistic labor': to formulate and write (a
> >piece of music);to arrange in proper or orderly form") I commit the
> >original musical thoughts I have to graphic representation that can
> >be read, performed, and interpreted by others.
> We have different dictionaries. Mine is simpler: "To create or produce (a
> literary or musical piece)." I don't see any lines drawn there.

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