shirling & neueweise wrote:

only the staves _not_ defined to have independent time sigs are changed to the new time sig.
Equally irritating is that Mass Mover (oops, "Edit") can't copy them either, even though it professes to be able to.

grrr... this would have been real helpful on a recent project... grrr...
Maybe. A friend of mine made extensive use of ind. time sigs in staff styles and ran into nightmare scenarios when he tried to extract the parts. The music spacing and display of said time sigs in the extracted parts was buggy and impossible to fix. After I exhausted every idea I had to fix his problems, I suggested he send the file to coda support. I can only hope he did.

(His problems were in Fin02, but if Fin03 is any better I'll be surprised. The programmers seem to have been too busy drawing cute little icons to fix anything like that.)

One piece of advice: always use the longest metric value as the base (i.e., non-independent) time sig. That is, if you have 9/8 against 3/4, make the 9/8 the non-independent time sig. Otherwise, you won't be able to position mid-measure clef changes after a certain point in the 9/8 measures. (Another Finale area that seems partially ignorant of ind. time sigs.)

Robert Patterson

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