Situation 1:
Horns, 4 measures rest either side of a rehearsal mark. "Extract parts"
produces an 8 measure multi rest, with no reh'l mark. OK it's easily
fixable- (Break multi rest- create 2x4 multi rests either side of reh'l
mark). But surely theres a way of making Finale (2001) recognise the reh'l
mark on extraction? Yes? No?

Horns, (again!) sustaining note for 9 measures. Apply "number repeated
measures" plug-in. Measure 2 of sustain is numbered 1, and last measure not
numbered. So I get numbers 1---7 on measures 2---8.
I can see why- strictly speaking first and last are NOT repeated measures,
because first is not tied to previous note, and last is not tied to
following note, and it is 'kludgeable'- remove ties, enter numbers, replace
ties. But surely this should be do-able? Some sort of mandatory "Number
these measures- do as your told- don't argue!"

Any thoughts? Cheers, to all for Christmas- Keith in hot and dry OZ.

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