Darcy wrote,

Unfortunately, the GUI is *much* slower, and this creates the (incorrect) perception of general all-around sluggishness. Unfortunately, the slowness in GUI also extends somewhat to graphics apps (really, anything that involves screen redraws), so while most Photoshop filters are faster, scrolling, etc is slower. Hopefully this is something that will improve with time, and of course ever-faster hardware will make this less and less of a problem.
You also made a similar comment in an earlier post.

Some years (?) ago I asked the list what would speed up Finale: faster processor or better video card. I never got a good answer on the latter, but I gather from your email that a better video card will speed up screen redraws, etc.

I have a G4/466 at home and a G4/533 at school, both running OS X 10.2.2. They come with a Rage Pro with 16 MB RAM. Would upping this make that much difference in my user experience?



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