Good point -- but the stuff will still be archived as the technology changes and I can still run MusicPrinterPlus on my P4-1.8GHz and still open, edit, and print files from it. And I was using that 12 years ago. I installed a 3.5" drive in the computer that was running MPP, and was able to transfer all my MPP files to each successive computer.

So if anybody REALLY wants to archive their material, they simply move it onto the latest and greatest media as new ones become available, and when PDF readers are about to go the way of the dodo, somebody will likely have a pdf to qeg (or whatever the new format will be) converter and so it gets converted. and on and on and on.

Or not, and we simply admit that we can't hang onto every thing ever created and allow some stuff to fade into distant memory.

Johannes Gebauer wrote:
On 09.02.2003 19:09 Uhr, David H. Bailey wrote

And you can always put the pdf reader on each CD as you archive your
files so that as long as there is a computer that can run the code you
will have access to your files, even if Adobe has gone the way of the
dodo bird.

Well, yes, but even if you backed up your stuff fifteen years ago with the
complete application with it, chances are _very_ high that you won't be able
to find a machine easily that will read you 5 1/4 floppy disk, let alone run
the application. I would expect the same will be true in another fifteen
years, don't you?


David H. Bailey

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