At 9:42 AM 02/07/03, Linda Worsley wrote:
>If anyone else is contemplating (or actually DOING) online sales, I'd
>be interested to hear about it. [...] I mean those of you who are using
>the internet to
>distribute your own work. I think this is an idea worth pursuing.

I have a few PDFs available for download on my website (including some
non-music documents). Most of it is not my own work, unless by "work" you
include engraving and editing.

I use a system similar to shareware for software; that is, download is
unrestricted, but there's a note that says if you keep it you're supposed
to mail me a check. There is no technological barrier to downloading the
file without paying. For a few of them I have a password in the PDF, but
the passwords are displayed on a separate page of my site, with another
reminder to send the fee -- so it's not a real barrier, just an additional
level of reminder/annoyance.

(By the way, I've been told that it's pretty easy to crack a
password-protected PDF. Perhaps that has changed, but I doubt it. Using a
PDF password does not make your files safe, it only makes it a little
harder to steal them.)

I do get quite a few responses, though the amount is pretty trivial; most
pieces haven't paid for the time I put into them even after a few years. I
have no idea how many people download the files without paying, either due
to deliberate stealing or simple negligence. I intentionally set my prices
low, for the same reason that I don't worry about enforcement: because my
primary purpose is just to make the work available, not to make money.
(There are also a few PDFs which have no price at all, so they can be
downloaded for free.)

I do have copyright notices on all my documents, though I don't anticipate
any of them ever becoming a source of legal contention.  Any document which
I want to keep strict control of I would never post in this way.


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