on 3/4/03 11:42 AM, Robert Patterson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think we are in a decades-long cultural trend of fascination with
technology. My personal view is that the fascination is misplaced. Perhaps for
me, familiarity breeds contempt. But if that is so, then I foresee the culture
> at-large eventually experiencing the same shift.

Decades? Try millennia. It's the major defining characteristic of *Homo sapiens.*

For a little context, take a look at all the dismay expressed over the technology of the 1920s (Ives's "phonographs and gasoline") by lots of intellectuals back then who should have known better. Or all the tooth-gnashing forty years ago about computers themselves. Lejaren Hiller got put on Theodore Roszak's list of enemies of humanity (in the back of _The Making of a Counterculture_) for his computer-music work.

In earlier times, there were similar controversies about trains, weaving machines, crossbows...

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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