
 Hogwash! Organs as large as any ever built were in existence by
 1425--two centuries before the orchestra was even thought of.

This statement is a bit of hyperbole; what would have been a very large organ in
1425 would have been considered to be a modest size in 1725, and would be
considered small today.

"The most famous 14th-century organ is that of Halberstadt Cathedral (c. 1361, rebuilt 1495), described in some detail by Praetorius (1619)... four keyboards...The largest rank of pipes was at the equivalent of 32' pitch, the total number about 1192, from 16 ranks at pedal B to 56 at top manual a'... 20 bellows supplied the wind."

--New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, article "Organ" section IV/6 (vol. 13 p. 733)

-- Andrew Stiller Kallisti Music Press
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