----- Original Message -----
From: Tim Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The other point is that I, too, would always rather have a
> not perfect live acoustic performance of music that was composed to be
> that way, and believe that the music is much less valuable without the
> dimension of performer interpretation applied.
> Tim

Just to tag on a thought to this, I think of a beautiful recording I have of
Richter playing Bach's prelude and fuge in C major from the Well Tempered
Clavier Book 1. Part of the beauty lies in the fact that the human playing
this piece is giving effort, and a lot of it, mind you, to play at times as
evenly and as quietly as possible. To do anything to adhere most similarly
to your intent is magnificent. The magnificence in the art of this musical
performance is that it is NOT quantized to perfection and that there is no
'Humanization error' applied to an otherwise mathematically perfect rhythm,
but that we are going from the other direction: the imperfect human striving
for the perfection, and which *striving* is carried acoustically in the form
of soundwaves, and which reaches us and allows us on that wonderful occation
to enjoy *the striving* iteself. To enjoy this *striving* is exactly what we
all go to concerts for. Otherwise you'd never even rejoice in your son
learning to appreciate and to play any simple scale instead of just banging
his hands on the keyboard.

Of course, I could take this recording onto any old Digital Audio
Workstation, cut up the individual notes with some plugin which can then
quantize and groove the notes to any way I desire, according to any
algorithm I can think up. But the instant I do this, I will have the musical
analogy of a Frankenstein, which is indeed a sum of all the parts but will
never be the whole.

When the day comes when we will have Desktop DNA-compilers and Realtime
Incubators for $100 on sale at your local Bio-Tech/Computer/Hardware store,
there will be many who will jump to reap the benefits and there will be some
who will see what we are missing. And those who see will be happy and those
who fail to see will think they are happy.


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