At 1:24 PM -0500 3/25/03, Giz Bowe wrote:
or questions about odd things. I was working on a piece from a template created several versions ago, but which I have updated at each upgrade. I was trying to enter chords where there are no notes (why can't we attach chords to slash notation? Yes, I've submitted that suggestion to Coda!), and the manual says something like select staff styles for layer 4, and apply blank notation. Well, there was no such option in the staff styles dialog; applying blank notation blanked out all layers. I called up a new template, copied the music, and lo & behold, I was able to apply a staff style to layer 4 as directed.

So far so good -- mostly. I noticed that the music was smaller in my new version. I've checked the percentage -- staff & document for each file was at 100%. I checked the default font -- both were Jazz at 24. Any idea why the staff sizes would be different? Raising the new copy staff to 115% just about matches the size on the original.

Thanks for any ideas!


Firstly, as soon as you copy the music to a new template, it takes on all the characteristics (well, some, anyway) of the template, including how the staff styles are set up, how the reductions work, etc.

THere was one version of Finale (I don't know which one now) where the Staff Styles in the default file were set up to HIDE items in other layers. This was a Bad Thing, as chords attached to hidden items were now invisible. You may have had a template created from this default. This seems to have been correctly/differently enabled in new versions of the Finale default file so that chords and the like DO appear. You CAN edit this yourself, but it is a pain. That's the first thing explained.

In newer versions of Finale the default is to use a System reduction to make things smaller, instead of Page reduction or a Staff reduction. This could explain the different sizes of staves. Also, the Setup Wizard resizes systems to make everything fit onto a score page (thanks, Coda!) and I imagine the same must have been done to some of the templates, which is a change from earlier versions of the same templates. Once you have things set up the way you like it, delete all the music and save it as your new template. This will save you much time in the future.

If you save it as Jazz Font Default (if you are using Jazz Font) then THESE settings will be used any time you invoke the Setup Wizard. If you are using the Maestro font, then save it as Maestro Font Default.
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