Hi, Jim -- do I understand you correctly: that you would "naturalize" the outgoing key signature in addition to the new key signature? That is, going from Bb to G you'd naturalize the Bb & Eb and put F#?

I'm not trying to be argumentative -- just trying to get a professional opinion on common practice! Some of the other posts here suggest that using courtesy accidentals in this fashion might be passe.

For my part, I'm very comfortable reading the new key change without courtesy accidentals. I do like courtesy accidentals for notes, and I like to see them in parens.

What's your "house style" here?



At 02:33 PM 5/27/03, you wrote:
If we're printing music for others to use, I believe it's our
responsibility to do everything in our power to make the music legible,
and make all the details as clear as possible.  Courtesy naturals at key
changes are one way of doing that, and it's a way that has been tried
and tested for centuries.  If it DIDN'T work, then there would be a need
to change it.  But it DOES work.  And if it ain't broke, don't try to
fix it.

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