At 4:43 PM -0700 5/27/03, James O'Briant wrote:
Giz Bowe wrote, in part:

 I do like courtesy accidentals for notes, and
 I like to see them in parens.

What's your "house style" here?

I prefer them in parentheses as well, but since Finale doesn't automatically put them in parentheses, that's OK with me, too.

Huh? Finale doesn't automatically put in courtesy accidentals at all, with or without parentheses, unless you invoke the Cautionary Accidentals plugin, where parentheses can be added for the entire selected section in any of the four situations with one click on a box.

In Speedy Entry you can force an accidental with one key click (*), and force parentheses on it by hitting P afterwards.

Or are you referring to something else?
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