At 8:18 AM -0400 6/03/03, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
At 12:28 PM 6/3/03 +0100, Steven D Sandiford wrote:
Musicality - it's a hard thing to define, but such an easy thing to

Sometimes I think I've wandered into the alt.finale.romantic-notions newsgroup. :)

Yesterday it was music too fancy to be notated, today it's mysterious
musicality. I fear tomorrow will bring Music as Revelation.

Okay, okay, I know. But sometimes it does get a wee bit foggy 'round these

Warning! Cheesy anecdote ahead!

Back in my undergrad days I had lunch with one of my theory teachers and we discussed some interesting research that had been done into finding out how the brain reacts to different types of music. I said I thought this might have big implications for theorists and composers, and he asked me if I thought, some day, we might be able to identify and analyse every aspect of music as we hear it. I responded (in my youthful enthusiasm) yes! and he replied, "Well, then, you are a much more dedicated theorist than I am."

That conversation affected me deeply. Now I have been working on (Warning! True section ends, joke ahead!) my Grand Unified Music Theory, which will reduce all aspects of all music to a simple formula that will fit on a half-page of paper. One will be able to understand everything about a piece by simply reading the analysis. This will eliminate the need to listen to music at all!

I'm almost finished it, just a few kinks to work out...

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