I don't think what the percussionist's tutor was trying to get out of the
hapless mechanical student in the original post was really all that
mysterious; sounds to me like the teacher wasn't very clear or resourceful.
"Musicality" in this case, maybe most of the time, is not some ghost in the
machine that can't be measured; it is quite simply small but measurable
changes in "real" attributes of the sounds, and spaces between the sounds,
that comprise the music.  You can tweak a midi file to sound musical in the
sense meant by this post, I am convinced.  Small adjustments to velocity,
duration, and pitch as appropriate in a musical context can do the trick.  I
sometimes wonder if metaphysical beliefs about the nature of music
frequently blind teachers from developing practical suggestions that can
help students improve in this area.


At 12:28 PM 6/3/03 +0100, Steven D Sandiford wrote:
>>Musicality - it's a hard thing to define, but such an easy thing to

>Sometimes I think I've wandered into the alt.finale.romantic-notions
newsgroup. :)

>Yesterday it was music too fancy to be notated, today it's mysterious
musicality. I fear tomorrow will bring Music as Revelation.

>Okay, okay, I know. But sometimes it does get a wee bit foggy 'round these

...happy to be working only on electroacoustics today.

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