David Fenton:

While I can shoot down what was wrong with the whole endeavor -- the main problem was the goal of having definitive "factual" answers to questions that are not scientific -- I sure as hell wish I could run MIDI data through an activity analysis program, and get a score that had 3 activity numbers for ever measure in a piece!

Indeed, I don't know of much in the way of computerized analytical
tools at all. I raised this subject a few years ago on the this list
and was pointed in the direction of a handful of programs that seemed
to be designed for heavy-duty non-tonal theorists (set theory is easy
to program in comparison to analyzing functional harmony). I havent'
kept up with the subject at all, and would like to know if anyone is
aware of any work like this?

I can't address the musical end of this, but very similar work has been done (with great success) in identifying the authorship of anonymous writings. Don Foster's book _Author Unknown_ is a highly entertaining and eye-opening introduction to the area, wh. he pioneered. Law enforcement agencies are beginning to use his techniques to help identify the authors of ransom notes and terrorist manifestos.

I see no reason why similar means could not be used to, for example, divide the motets of the Mo and Ba MSS into groups assignable to single composers.
Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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