haven't there been occasions when trumpets were put above
horns in orchestral scores?  Given that, within each division, instruments are
listed in order of descending pitch, isn't there an argument for putting
trumpets above horns?

                          Michael Edwards.

In theory, yes. But the standard order is not irrational. Consider the WW: All clarinets are placed together regardless of size, so the Eb clarinet does not go above the oboe, nor does a contrabass clarinet go below the bassoon. The traditional arrangement of the brass is based on the idea that trumpets and trombones belong to the same family of brasses, while the horn is something different. Granted, you could then argue that the order should be trumpet, trombone, horn, tuba--but historically the trumpets were below the horns because they were (before the days of orchl. trbs. and tuba) always associated w. the timpani and therefore needed to be just above the percussion.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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