On 9 Jun 2003 at 12:31, Christopher BJ Smith wrote:

> Is there any reason why chords HAVE to be attached 
> to items in the measure? Why can't they just be attached to beats? 

There's a perfect example of something that derives from the type of 
file format.

In a relational database, records of different types are related 
hierarchically. A record that is subsidiary cannot exist without a 

In Finale, the frame is the highest-level record that matters. 
Beneath that are the entries in that frame. Then the articulations 
and expressions are attached to those entries.

So, without an entry, there is no parent for the chord.

Now, the file structure could have been designed differently, yes. 
But then the chords would be attached to the measure, and positioned 
somehow with a snap-to-grid functionality, where the grid would be 
rhythmic, at the appropriate level of granularity. Otherwise, you'd 
get chords occuring at random locations.

Would the ability to attach chords to places in the measure be worth 
navigating the complexities of the UI for a snap-to-grid 
functionality? I don't know. But that is really what it would 
require, while the same thing is enabled in a rhythmically 
unambiguous manner by, shock of all shocks, simply notating the 
rhtythm you need for your chord chanes and attaching your chords to 
that rhythm.

To me, the Finale way is more musical, even if it does cause 
complications and more work. The reason the Finale way is more 
musical is because the things you are attaching really are rhythmic 
and not visual, so it's critical that there be no ambiguity about 
where the chords are placed.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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