On Tuesday, Jun 24, 2003, at 16:49 Europe/London, Robert Patterson Finale wrote:

It seems like this article provides as good an answer as you are likely to get to the question.

From section 5.2.1:

The author believes that Apple has been implementing the technique in all recent and currently shipping Apple computers. Suppression of ESD and over/under voltage is a primary method of reducing or eliminating port failure and must be implemented on the host computer to be effective.

And from section 6.2:

Older computers may not have FireWire port protection built into them. This appears to place them at higher risk of failure.
Recently manufactured computers are likely to have enhanced port protection.

Thanks -- yes, I noticed this. But it seems to be based on supposition -- and then I saw some people with recent PowerBook G4s and eMacs complaining of the problem too -- so this doesn't quite put my mind at rest. Even the people in my local Apple dealer said that they had two (one a recent G4 tower) go down in this way. So I'm still wary.



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