Relative to the issue of re-registration, David wrote, in part

> I read with interest Tyler's Q/A post, where Finale2004 will have a
> maintenance release that will include the ability for us to "transport"
> the registration code to a different machine -- that is EXACTLY the
> garbage that Sibelius does, and depending on the required media
> (Sibelius requires the ever-dependable 3.5" diskette media) it can spell
> disaster in its own right!

and I would submit that my experience might be of some value here.  The
abstracted version:  don't register on-line.

Over the course of the past year I have been forced by circumstances beyond my
control to "rebuild my hard disk" on multiple occasions, generally caused by
problems with the boot hard-drive.  Since it appears that the system that
MakeMusic! has chosed to implement is much like the one Dr. Patterson uses
himself, my experience may be of value here.  Each case where I have found it
necessary to rebuild my hard drive, I have had to provide the re-registration
from the email supplied by Dr. Patterson.  Not a problem.  The permanent copy
of that email is permanently archived, and if I need to re-install it, it is
trivial to access the email, and re-install the code.  I intend to treat Fin2k4
exactly the same way; registration will be by email from my internet connected
machine, and I will save the email response in the same folder where all the
other Finale stuff is downloaded.  If I need to reinstall the software for some
reason, ever, the code will be right there.  The way I figure it, as long as I
have a copy of the email containing the key, I won't have to worry about not
being  able to install the software.

BTW, in the same vein, I periodically review the Make Music download site, and
make certain I have a copy of every maintenance release, and its documentation,
as well as the accessory materials (I consider Notepad to be an accessory).
It's archived, so if I ever need it, I've got it.  I'll continue to do this.

And I'm not going to lose any sleep over registering my copy.  Beside, I figure
the reason for the on-line registration is that it's easier to do this than to
burn a hologram to each CD.


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