Wow! I never knew you could verb a verb! Verbing of nouns is commonplace, but verbing of verbs is something new to me!

What does automate mean, then, if not to make automatic?

I did look up automatize after reading Andrew's post and found it in my Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. Definition 1 is to make automatic. Definition 2 is to automate.

So I looked up Automate in the same dictionary: to convert to automation, to use techniques of automation. Looking up automation, the definition is a bit too long to quote here, but basically it is where processes are automatically performed by machinery, electronic devices, etc. Sure sounds the same as using a finalescript to AUTOMATE processes.

Sounds the same to me. Guess it's better though to use 4 syllables when 3 will do.

I also guess I better read my dictionary more regularly. Would that be to regularize my readingness of the dictionary. Or would that be more modernly stated as I had better dictionarize more frequently?

Interesting linguistic times we live in!

Thanks for setting me straight!

Andrew Stiller wrote:

On looking in the documentation I find that MakeMusic has invented a new word: AUTOMATIZE in the sentence "... an easy way to automatize repetetive tasks..."(page 9-38, first sentence under FinaleScript Plug-In / What It Does). What ever happened to AUTOMATE? Does nobody who knows the English language check these things?

David H. Bailey

MakeMusic hardly invented this word. A Google search (highly recommended before making any kind of announcement of a neologism) yields 8800 hits on the word, inlcuding entries in at least four online dictionaries. They define the word as "to make automatic"--which is *not* the same thing as "to automate."

"Automatize" is also in my ink-and-paper American Heritage College Dictionary, 3d edition, similarly defined.

-- David H. Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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