Here is Coda's reply to my question about keyboard shortcuts for FinaleScripts:

Subject: RE: FinaleScript - keyboard shortcuts?

Dear Brad,

I'm very sorry, this is a mistake. I just spoke with the person in charge of
this material on our website, and he will fix it. I believe we had
originally intended to have them assignable to keystrokes, but that feature
got dropped due to a lack of time.

Again, I apologize for misleading you. If this is a make-it or break-it
feature for you, please feel free to return the product. We do have a 1
month return policy.

The website has been changed to read, "Easily create your own set of commands that Finale will perform with a simple mouse click." But even this is untrue! It takes 1-2 clicks to open the plug-in (depending on whether you hold the button down while going through the plug-in list), possibly several clicks to locate and select the desired script (depending on how many are in the list and on the location of the desired script) and then another click to invoke it!

If you care about this functionality, please write to MakeMusic! support. Mac users, there may still be time for them to add it if enough requests are made!

Brad Beyenhof

Finale mailing list

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