As long as this is included as an _option_ I would welcome it. I am not sure
I would use it, as I know that a lot of publications I regard very highly do
not actually use such an option. They have thinner staff lines for smaller

(It's probably a good idea to make this request again after Fin2k4 Mac has
been released. I don't think I am giving away anything if I say that
inclusion in the first release of 2k4 is pretty impossible. It's certainly
more likely to be considered for 2k5.)


On 04.09.2003 23:17 Uhr, Andrew Stiller wrote

> I realize that this is an awkward time in Finale's development cycle
> to be making  a feature request, but I need to do this while it is on
> my mind.
> In a recent exchange on the Finale online  mailing list, the issue of
> small staff sizes (for pocket scores, large orchestras, etc.) came
> up. One thing that became clear in the course of that discussion is
> that traditional engravers could use a wide range of staff sizes
> within a single score because the width of the lines employed remains
> constant. It would be nice therefore if Finale included a feature
> allowing for constant line widths (including not only staff lines but
> note stems, hairpins, barlines, etc.) regardless of staff, system, or
> page reduction. Dots (augmentation, staccato, repeat) should probably
> also be held constant under these circumstances.
> I am cc-ing this request to the Finale list in the hopes that other
> members of the list will second my appeal.


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