At the risk of tempting fate, this morning was the first time in a couple of weeks that I was able to download my email and not have any infected with a virus.

I think that one wave or another will be with us for some time to come, simply because there aren't virus-catching programs running at most email servers. I can't imagine the bottleneck that would be created if current antivirus programs inspected each and every incoming e-mail message at a server. But if somebody could write a program which would innoculate infected messages at a high speed, then virus writers would be out of business in short order (until somebody figured out how to circumvent the anti-virus mail-servers).

Just be sure you have antivirus software running and keep the signature files up to date.

Richard Huggins wrote:
Can we expect this current spam attack to die a natural death or is it
self-perpetuating, ad infinitum? It's quite a problem at present.


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