On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, David W. Fenton wrote:

> On 20 Sep 2003 at 12:23, John Hines wrote:
> > From: "Noel Stoutenburg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > One way which
> > > appears to be quite useful in avoiding worms and virii is to switch
> > > to an email client not made by Microsoft
> >
> > Can you suggest some?  Thanks.
> For my clients, these are the two Windows alternatives:
> 1. Eudora Lite 3.01
> 2. Pegasus Mail

On Windows, I switched to Netscape's e-mail client about 4 years ago.
About 2 1/2 years ago, I downloaded Mozilla, and have used the e-mail
client that comes with that browser. The e-mail client supports both POP
and IMAP. (I use the IMAP protocol exclusively, since I can leave messages
on the server if I want, and read my mail from different computers.)

As an added bonus, I much prefer the Mozilla browser to IE. (Its tabbed
dialog has turned out to be a favorite. Also, I turned off popups in the
advanced scripting preferences, and have forgotten how annoying popups
used to be.)

I highly recommend Mozilla. You can download it from www.mozilla.org. Like
David, I have had no viruses since my move away from Microsoft clients.


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