Can someone help me here?

FinMac 2003, I have dotted notes in two layers at the interval of a second, and the lower note has a flat. Finale spaces this by default with the Layer 2 note WAY to the right to avoid colliding the flat and the upper note's dot.

In Special Tool I have moved the dot of the upper note to the right, and I have moved the flat on the lower note to the left, then I used the Special Tool to move the Layer 2 note back left where it should be. This leaves a big gap at the end of the measure, but I can't get Finale to respace the measure properly. I have checked "Incorporate Manual Spacing" hoping that it would, but it just moves the lower note WAY to the right again. In fact, it moves it even when I HAVEN"T invoked Music Spacing. I realised this when I checked back a few minutes later and somehow Finale had decided to do something about it while I wasn't looking.

What do I do? I haven't even put music in other staves yet, and I am going to have to align all this at some point, but I can't even get two layers to align properly!

Thanks in advance.

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