Robert Patterson writes:

I'm hoping someone else on this list uses custom lines, and will help me disabuse our friends at Coda of the notion that I'm the only one who cares whether custom line text remains visible irrespective of spacing (at least optionally).

And if you haven't discovered the CLT, you have a whole new chapter ahead of you.


I have used the CLT in a number of ways, most importantly for rit., rall., cresc., dim., etc where I want widely-spaced dashes while still having closely-spaced dashes for 8va (an embarrassing giveaway for many Finale-produced scores are the closely-spaced dashes some people use after these words). I have used the CLT occasionally to give the date and place of composition rotated 90 degrees after the final bar. It's so very useful for pedal markings using lines, +----o for stopped horn, l.v.------ and much more. Yes, something should be done about the problem of losing the middle item in close spacing.


-- Harold Owen 2830 Emerald St., Eugene, OR 97403 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit my web site at: FAX: (509) 461-3608 _______________________________________________ Finale mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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