At 6:29 PM 09/29/03, Kurt Gnos wrote:

>I have a song and enter some lyrics. Now I copy something and change the
>lyrics of the copied part --> now the "old" part, where I copied the lyrics
>from, will change, too. Removing the lyrics of the new part using mass
>mover - remove only - items - lyrics works MOST of the time. Has anyone
>found a way to stop this erratic behaviour?

This is not a bug; it's a logical result of the way the lyrics system
works. When you copy a passage that contains lyrics, it will not make a
duplicate of the lyrics.  Rather, it will duplicate the lyric

This is exactly analogous to dynamic expressions.  If you had copied a
passage of music that included a "ff" marking, and you edit that "ff" to
"pp" in the copy, it will change all of your ff's to pp's throughout the
piece.  The only difference is that expessions don't have a "type in score"
feature that hides the fact that you are altering data lying one level of
indirection deeper.

We have discussed the Finale's entire lyrics scheme here at length, and
it's an open question whether it ought to work this way.  I think perhaps a
warning is in order when copying music with lyrics, since this seems to be
a feature that is non-intuitive to many users and it can result in
undesired results that aren't noticed until much later.  Better yet, one
ought to be given the option to create a duplicate set of lyrics.

Given the way it does work, my recommendation is that any time you copy
music with lyrics, you immediately clear out all lyrics in the copy and
reassign them.  I know that sounds draconian, but it could save you some


At 3:09 PM 09/29/03, Craig Parmerlee wrote:

>I've noticed the same behavior when expressions (or maybe it is
>measure-attached text) are copied with the mass edit tool.  That
>behavior is somewhere between bewildering and maddening.  It seems to
>me that a copy ought ALWAYS to create new instances of every
>object.  After all, if you wanted two instances of the same objects,
>isn't that what MIRROR copy is there for?

I'm not necessarily defending Finale's behavior in this instance, but once
again I point out that the lyrics here are analogous to expressions.  Would
you want your copy function to always create new instances of every dynamic
marking?  I think most people would not, but that's what you seem to be
asking for here.  (Ditto for chord symbols, I assume.)


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