My bad - I was remembering the handles for all expressions showing up and my memory slipped a bit and I thought they had been showing up on articulations as well.

I'm not sure how Coda could do what Aaron suggests, though -- those staccato dots are mighty small at 50% -- if there were a handle for each one that allowed the dot to show I am sure I couldn't be accurate enough with the mouse pointer to click the correct one.

Maybe Coda could implement an on/off option so that the automatic handles could be turned off for articulations when the user desired.

Aaron Sherber wrote:
At 06:34 AM 12/20/2003, David H. Bailey wrote:
 >This happened a couple of versions ago in response to all of our
 >complaints about not being able to find the note that some of the
 >articulations had been attached to.

It's new in 2004, actually.

 >Coda's response was very much welcome by most users -- now handles
 >appear on all the objects that belong to a certain tool whenever that
 >tool is selected.  Until this message I don't recall anybody complaining
 >about this since the change in behavior.

Well, I think we're all still getting our feet wet with the new version. I'm working on my first large project in 2004 and haven't yet gotten to the articulations.

But I certainly see what Dennis is complaining about, and it *is* rather annoying. And we shouldn't have to change view percentages to make this work. Coda should figure out some paradigm for displaying handles so that the handles don't obscure what they're attached to.


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