On 17 Jan 2004 at 0:17, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> On 16.01.2004 23:46 Uhr, David W. Fenton wrote
> > On 16 Jan 2004 at 23:26, Johannes Gebauer wrote:
> > 
> >> Can anyone tell me how to get Expressions like sfz, fp etc to play
> >> back correctly?
> > 
> > An executable shape for the volume controller?
> Sure, but how does this beast work?
> (Actually I think the key velocity setting works better for note
> attached expressions). . . .

I assumed you meant a single held note with an accent at the 
beginning and a quick diminuendo. That can't be done with key 
velocity, as you're varying the volume of a single note.

> . . . In detail: There is a big difference between
> sfz and fp. I think I can probably work out an sfz. However, how do
> you set an fp to come down to a fixed velocity? If I have several fp
> in sequence, I certainly don't want the volume to come down more every
> time until it literally disappears.

Well, to me, sfz is an accent, whereas fp or sfp is something 
entirely different. It would entirely depend on the musical context 
as to how I would implement it.

An executable shape would have to be followed by something to restore 
the original volume.

There are no good solutions here, so far as I can tell.

I've never had to create playback for music that had lots of the fp-
type markings in it, so I've just done the with MIDI continuous data, 
on an ad hoc basis and used the articulations for print only (no 

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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