In Fin2004, with "human playback" enabled in any of a number of different styles, smartshapes playback, so there isn't the same need to mess around with non-printing dynamic marks.

The problem still exists, however that you can't edit the amount of playback effect for everything yet. Hopefully that will come in the next version of Finale.

gj.berg wrote:
Sorry, am I missing something here? Is my world view about to be shattered? I've always worked under the assumption that hairpins cannot be performed on any note being held -- in order for the decresc. effect to take place the note has to be be rearticulated.

To that end I've found the executable shapes to be execrable. If I want cresc. or decresc. I use nonprinting dynamic marks.

If I want an accent and a staccato I am forced to apply two articulations to achieve the effect.

rit and ritards are achieved by a string of tempo changes -- nonprinting natch.

As for sfz's -- I can only dream...

Well, actually I never have had recourse to use them.


Johannes Gebauer wrote:

Well, I got it working fine for sfz, using an executable shape. The main
thing is that the shape, which looks like "\" ends on zero height. This
seems to make it go back to the previous volume.


On 17.01.2004 12:53 Uhr, David H. Bailey wrote

Any change in velocity or volume needs a correspondingly opposite
expression to change it back.

In Fin2004 where you can create a descriptive text along with the
expression you can create expressions for each occurence, one normal one
to define the accent such as sfz, and one invisibble one (just use the
space character) to return it to the previous value (problem is you need
to know what the previous value was).

It would be wonderful (maybe we should all contact tech support to
suggest this) if expressions could be defined for playback with one more
option: Percentage.  Set to value could remain as it is, but there could
be a check box next to it which would specify that the value is a
percentage and not an absolute.  That way you could define sfz to be
150% and then define an invisible expression that would be set to 66%
which would return it to the original value in place before the sfz
altered it.

But as it is currently that isn't possible so you are left with a
complicated situation no matter how you want to solve the problem.


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-- David H. Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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