On 08.02.2004 23:29 Uhr, David W. Fenton wrote

> On 8 Feb 2004 at 23:13, d. collins wrote:
>> David W. Fenton écrit:
>>> Is renotating the whole thing in 6/4 not an option?
>> Not really, because there is a section in 6/4 in the same piece.
> Then why is 3/2 completely unacceptable?

Well, I don't know the piece in question, but you couldn't normally notate a
6/8 piece in 3/8 either. The two are fundamentally different.

And if I am correct, and Dennis is working on Rennaissance music I think it
is a good idea to keep as much as possible of the original meters.

You wouldn't notate the slow movement of that Beethoven piano concerto in
larger note values, just because 128ths are difficult to read, would you?


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