First of all, in this discussion I'm speaking only of how the parts are presented on 
the page. The topic of who plays higher than whom is huge and complicated and an 
entirely separate issue. The short of it is, no rigid standard should be applied to 
the horns or any other section of the orchestra, unless you want 70% of the players on 
the stage sitting around bored out of their skulls.

If physics were involved, then this mess would extend to the trumpets, the flutes, the 
clarinets, etc., etc. I think the confusion in the case of the horn section has been 
largely caused by over-reliance on orchestration books and classes and under-reliance 
on studying the scores of the proven masters of orchestration.

Tim Cates:
> what I was taught in an orchestration class was that the interlocked 
> parts had more to do with the physics of having the close harmony in 
> the player sitting next to you

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