On Monday, March 1, 2004, at 12:08 PM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

On 01.03.2004 20:16 Uhr, Henry Howey wrote

I did not see the Whitemail notices to the list as they were sent by
a listmember. I will check with IT folks here to see if another
filter is possible. I currently monitor only the DIGEST so I seem to
have escaped the blizzard;-)

If anyone has a suggested filter I could propose to IT, please notify
me offlist.

As far as I can tell there is actually nothing you could have done from your
end in terms of filters. The notices were sent directly to the original
senders, so they never even went by the list.

The only thing that may help to avoid such dilemmas in the future is to
include a reply to address in list messages. I think this has been asked for
many times (and all other email lists I use have this). So if you are able
to do this, that would help us.

Thanks for looking into this.

But this, IMO, would be worse. If the Reply-to were set to the list, the whitelist "request" would have been sent *to the list*, for *every* post. What's more, all of those replies would get archived and uselessly clog up the shsu.edu server.

Brad Beyenhof

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