Robert Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anyone seen this? When I installed MacFin04 (finally) I get the following error message every time I start up:
Extract Lyrics: Plugin icon missing: -1409
Also, I always have to go thru the Tips and MIDI Setup rigamarole, like it doesn't know how to save my settings.
I know I should ask Mac support, but since it is a weekend, I thought I'd see if anyone here knows about it.


I have tried installing twice now (clean install) and both times upon booting the program I get the following error dialog box:

"Extract Lyrics Plugin Icon Missing: -37"

The program then seems to work, but I'd still like to get rid of the error.

Can anyone help with what to do?

The computer has had Fin2002a on it, but that's an OS9 program and shouldn't effect the install of Fin2004.

Hi both and thanks for catching this,

I have located the problem and will be sending in an update ASAP. It is a warning not reported during F2K4 testing period and does not affect anything operational in Finale or the plugin. Depending on which version you have, if the icon is present and clicked on, it will take you to a web site. The different error numbers are caused by the fact that Finale stores these kinds of icons in a resource file before F2K4 but now keeps them on disk in the application package. Because these icons types when used from disk must be registered with the OS, it gets stumped if the icon is not in the same file as when first registered.

I believe there is some chance the warning will not show up depending on whether or not OS 9 is on the same volume as OS X and _possibly_ if you re-build the OS 9 desktop after removing old Finales. In any event it will be gone in your next official update from MakeMusic. If you have download permissions in the current beta cycle, it should be in the next update. Otherwise, just trash the plugin for the nonce.

About Robert's Tips and MIDI setup, I think that's related to Finale's preferences (application Midi preferences and Plugin folder location).

Philip Aker

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