At 09:55 AM 3/17/2004, David Horne wrote:
>Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but if you do a lot of cross
>staff notation, it's worth having alternate articulations handy, defined
>as metatools, which take this into account.

Yes. I don't like going that route unless I have *lots* of cross-staff things, because it's a real pain to keep track of the articulations. My point here is that despite the fact that there are other ways to accomplish the result, this particular way is broken.

>2004? (I'm on 2003) If so, that would strike me as an immense oversight.
>BTW, how much better is the auto-cross staff function in 2004 than the
>one currently available in TGTools.

I believe that the individual note cross-staff feature *is* TGTools -- select a note and hit Alt-arrow, and the note gets moved, stem flipped, etc. I think Finale is just using the functionality from the TGTools Lite plugin they include.

>on. Can it handle auto crossing- e.g. every second note in the bottom
>staff, and so on?

Full TGTools can do this, of course. I don't know about TGTools Lite, because I've deleted it.

> Is feathered beaming supported for cross staff notation
>in 2004?

Sorry, I don't know.


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