On 21 Mar 2004, at 03:24 PM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

At 03:14 PM 03/21/2004, Darcy James Argue wrote:
>> As for the vertical positioning, I like an entry offset of -9 pt.)
>I meant -12 pt.

Do you really mean points, Darcy, or EVPU? 12 pt. is 1/6 of an inch, which seems like a lot.

No, I really mean points. If the entry offset is anything smaller than that, any note-attached dynamic expression with an "f" in it will collide with the stem of middle staff-line notes (unless your below-staff baseline is lower than mine), and the notehead of notes that fall below your below-staff baseline.

Try it yourself and see.

(FWIW, Finale's default is -14 pt., which is a little much for my tastes, but not totally out of line.)

- Darcy


Brooklyn NY

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