On 7 Jun 2004 at 15:02, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

> David W. Fenton wrote:
> >The reason not to use type in score is that it creates a text stream
> >that doesn't really match the real text being set *unless* you have
> >very carefully ordered your typing in a way that will create a
> >comprehensible text in the actual data store.  With click assignment,
> >you always know what the relationship is between the two. You can
> >have a human readable ordered version of the  text in Edit Lyrics 
> Well, this does not match my experience.  I have found that type into
> score adds since WINFIN 2k creates the lyrics area of the data file by
> placing the syllables sequentially, that the syllables are in the
> order in which they appear in the score, and the syllables attached to
> the various staves are in the order in which the respective first
> syllables of each stave were entered.  If among the four staves of a
> work, the first syllable of each line were entered in the order "Alto,
> bass, tenor, soprano", it is my experience that this is the order that
> the syllables of each line appear in the lyrics data section of the
> file.

But you have to do the entry in the correct order to get the lyrics 
to come out comprehensibly. And you have to put in non-printing text 
to keep track of where you are. Why should you need to do that? 
Because the mechanism itself isn't good enough without your 

I don't need those extras when using click assignment, because I 
don't *need* separate text for the different voices.

> I am curious to know, though, David, when your experience with type
> into score occurred. . . .

August of 2002, my first project using WinFin2K3.

> . . . I know I have seen files where the lyrics appear
> differently than I expect, but at the moment I do not recall if these
> were Encore files imported into Finale (which I have done a few
> times), or whether they were files created by early versions.

Type in Score produced gibberish in Edit Lyrics, and there was no way 
to straighten it all out once it got messed up.

Since then, I've not used Type in Score at all and been able to fully 
control everything I wanted to do with lyrics.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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