On Jun 7, 2004, at 5:24 AM, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

(though I consider it a design flaw that when syllable counts are changed in the edit lyrics box, syllables shift from the current system to the next one, or from the next system to the current one, depending upon whether the syllable count is increased or decreased;

That is the point on which you and I disagree. I just offered an example in which your "design flaw" is my desired behavior.

I would like to see the guard system that protects against this in the shift lyrics system implemented in the edit lyrics box, but this has become merely and irritation for me these days). What I object to is the fact that the information about how these sytems work is not available for the benefit of people who are today having the lyrics problems I had several years ago.

On that point we agree.


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