Darcy (and anyone else who can try this,)

Since you can reproduce the text block bug so effectively, try emptying out your temp file folder, then see if you can get the bug to bite. If it doesn't after five minutes, then this may be a major step in the right direction! May I suggest NOT trashing them, but just moving the temp files to another folder so that you can move them back in again to see if you can get the bug to re-bite.


At 2:49 PM +0100 7/01/04, Peter Taylor wrote:

Do you remember we had an in-depth discussion about this very subject exactly
one year ago under the thread title "Text Block Bug?"

David Fenton brought up the matter of Finale leaving tmp files undeleted and
asked for confirmation of this from others, to which several people, including
myself, responded.  This was my reply:

 David wrote:

 That brings up another thing: for a long time now (since WinFin97)
 Finale has been a very poor Windows "citizen" in terms of cleaning up
 after itself. That is, it never seems to delete its temp files, so I
 periodically have to clean out my TEMP folder.

Can anyone else confirm any of these problems?

 Yep.  It's always been a problem since Ver2.2 in my case (1992).  I can't
 believe CODA don't know about it by now!  Maybe it's my imagination, but
 deleting the tmp files seems to speed things up generally, so I have a
TMP directory (sorry, folder) especially for Finale which I empty every

Randy wrote a reply to this:

 Believe it or not, we've known about it for a long time -- and I'm d***ed if
 I can reproduce it. We *are* deleting the files -- I've traced through with
 the debugger -- each and every time. Yet, for some people, the deletes work,
 and for others they don't. I've spent *a lot* of time on this, and never
 been able to track it down.

 Ironically, the last time this issue arose on our forums, I asked for
 further information from those complaining about the problem. Only one
 person replied.

 Frustrates the heck out of me, too.

Randy Stokes, MakeMusic

As I said in my message, I have set Finale to store its tmp files in a special
folder and I delete all the old ones every time I start a new session. Years
ago I found out by chance that leaving the old tmp files undeleted dramatically
slowed my machine down (a 486-20SX in those days), especially re-draws, and as
soon as they were deleted the speed went back to normal again. I'm on Windows -
can't say whether this would be the same on a Mac. I've never experienced the
text block bug and I can't reproduce it following Darcy's instructions. Maybe
there's a connection there?

I still have all the messages on that old thread if anyone needs them.


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