On 07 Jul, 2004, at 06:37 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Okay, the TGTools Modify -> Shift -> Accidentals doesn't work *at all* in the case I describe -- where there is only one accidental, but it has been displaced because of a left-displaced *note* elsewhere in the same chord.

For example (bottom up) Gb - F - G, in the treble clef staff.

The plugin only works on multiple accidentals.

On further investigation, there are many chords where I cannot get this plugin to do anything at all, even where there *are* multiple accidentals.

For instance:

Enter the following chord -- bottom up, treble clef:

Db - E - Ab - B

Go to the TGTools -> Modify -> Shift -> Accidentals. Enter a large number in the "Move accidentals before fourths closer together by" box -- like 6 pts. Hit "Go".

Nothing happens.

- Darcy

Brooklyn, NY

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