I highly recommend GoDaddy.com for domain name registration! They charge
$8/year vs. the $35/year of other companies, or even the prices charged
by other companies recommended so far. Yet I find their service and
features better than our other registrars like Network Solutions or

What you trade off for the lower price is 1) the support number is not
toll-free, and 2) you have to click through a few ads when you order
something - but the defaults are always set appropriately and clicking
through is easy. They've been around for many years so they have a track
record too. I'll take the better service and lower prices any time!

We're in the process of transferring all our domain names over to them,
which is why you won't see them all listed there yet - but you will.

This is just for the domain name registration. I don't know what's good
for web hosting for Mac-based users. Our host is Windows-specific so I
wouldn't recommend them for your needs.

Best regards,

Michael Good
Recordare LLC
(or for a GoDaddy domain, www.dolet.com)

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